Leave No Trace is a mystery thriller book involving a skilled backpacker in the Sierra Nevada Mountains who stumbles upon a woman who has been kidnapped. Kim is a leading computer scientist who has created a security tool that is thwarting the efforts of an international computer hacking group and the group now seeks to neutralize her or bring her over to their side. To keep her out of trouble, mercenaries capture her, seclude her in a house, and then take her to the mountains to keep her away from computers and rescue.
Fred is on a fun, remote backpacking trip through the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Fred stumbles across Kim and works out with her how to get her safely back to civilization. The story involves Fred’s backpacking trip, Kim’s kidnapping and the amazing story of how they continue backpacking together and then create their rescue in Mammoth Lakes, California.
Tim Mulholland is a writer, landscape and travel photographer, and environmental scientist who lives in Fitchburg, Wisconsin, USA. He is an active outdoors person who frequently hikes and backpacks with his family in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, Wind River Range of Wyoming, the Desert Southwest and New Zealand. His photographic work can be found on his website at TimMulholland.com. In addition to writing Leave No Trace, he is also the author of New Zealand – A Traveler’s and Photographer’s Paradise.
Contact Information:
Tim Mulholland
5846 Tree Line Drive
Fitchburg, WI 53711-5829
Leave No Trace is available through Amazon Books as a hard cover, soft cover and electronic book.
Hard Cover Book ISBN = 979-8-9852889-2-6; $25.00
Soft Cover Book ISBN = 979-8-9852889-1-9; $15.00
Digital Book ISBN = 979-8-9852889-0-2; $9.99
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